PhD in Geosciences
Senior Research Associate
Expertise is focused on rural studies,
geography of settlements, and spatial planning.
PhD in Geosciences
Senior Research Associate
Expertise is focused on rural studies,
geography of settlements, and spatial planning.
PhD in Geosciences Research Associate
The research interest is spatial planning with the focus on
regional disparities.
PhD in Geosciences
Research Associate
The research interest is spatial planning with the focus on
regional disparities.
PhD in Geosciences
Research Associate
The research interest is focused on demographic
capacities of small towns and rural areas as well as human capital development.
PhD in Geography
Principal Research Fellow
The research interest is related climatology. He deals with the relations between natural factors
and life quality in the rural areas.
PhD in Geography
Principal Research Fellow
The research interest is related to tourism geography,
historical geography, cultural geography, with research focus on old and modern manifestations.
Ph.D. in tourism
The research interest is directed to tourism and sustainable development, strategic planning,
integral planning of the tourism development. He participated in the preparation of development
planning documents.
Spatial planner
He is working in the Municipal Administration of Bajina Bašta in environmental protection department.
Member of the Council for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment of the Municipality of
Bajina Bašta.
The president of the association
She has implemented projects
from different areas that include the development of agriculture in the function of rural tourism,
preservation of tradition and cultural heritage and gender equality. She is a member of the National Team for the Revival
of Serbian Villages.
economist and president
participated in various projects in the field of environmental protection in the
Valjevo area (IRD - USAID -
Removal of illegal landfills in the Kolubara district; UNDP - Valjevo good ozone zone; Association of man and nature – Valjevo
as a homeland).
Master of geography
an editor of educational programs
She is
dedicated to the collection of archival material on the life and work of Jovan Cvijić.
She prepared various documentary exhibitions from the collected documents, part of which was published
in digital format as part of the digital museum exhibition.
Economist and president
He is the author of the national project "Promotion of rural tourism in Serbia" and a participant in many
other national and international projects. He is a member and the representative of Serbia in the
European Federation for Rural Tourism - EUROGITES.