RurSitu - Stay Or Leave


RurSITU Project is coordinated by the Geographical institute "Jovan Cvijić" Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. The partnership includes six other organizations, from the region of Šumadija and West Serbia, who possess rich experience from previous engagements and activities.

Geographical institute
"Jovan Cvijić"
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Based in Belgrade, Serbia


Center for improving tourism industry TERRA

Based in Užice, Serbia

Mountaineering association "TARA"

Based in Bajina Bašta, Serbia

"Vuk Karadžić" Cultural Center

Based in Loznica, Serbia

Serbian Rural Tourism Association

Based in Ljig, Serbia

Women Association "Sačuvajmo selo"

Based in Priboj, Serbia

Club "Ars Nova"

Based in Valjevo, Serbia